50 Evergreen Digital Product Topics List – Boost Your Sales

evergreen digital product topics list

Digital Product Swipe File: 50 Evergreen Topics To Use As Your Own

Are you looking for a niche market to serve? If so, look no further. Below you’ll find 50 evergreen topics that you can use as a starting point to choosing a niche.

Take note that that these topics are fairly broad, so what you’ll want to do is niche down these ideas.

For example, “weight loss” is broad. You can niche down by focusing on achieving weight loss through a specific method such as intermittent fasting.

You can then further niche down by focusing on a particular group of people, such as moms, middle-aged men, Christians, seniors or similar. End result, you’ll have something like “weight loss for busy moms via intermittent fasting.”

You can do the same type of thing with any of the following ideas. Take note that each entry states the main topic, and then below that I’ve added extra “niched down” ideas to kick off your brainstorming:

1. How to make money.

Sell information products, become an affiliate, buy a franchise, buy and sell antiques.

2. How to save/invest money.

Save money for retirement, invest in stocks, invest in real estate.

3. How to get out of debt.

Budget money, pay down debt, avoid bankruptcy.

4. How to lose weight.

Juicing, low-carb dieting, intermittent fasting for women.

5. How to become a bodybuilder.

Amateur, competitive, bodybuilding for weight loss.

6. How to boost productivity/save time.

Be more productive at work, save time on household chores, outsource.

7. How to get motivated.

Motivation for achieving goals (weight loss, get into grad school, or everyday tasks like cleaning); motivation for specific types of people (e.g., business owners).

8. How to feel happier.

Happier with yourself, happier in relationships, forgiveness.

9. How to improve your marriage.

Better communication, saving a marriage that seems to be over, what to do if there are children.

10. How to get through a divorce.

The mental aspects, how to save money, how to protect yourself, how to protect kids.

11. How to look and feel younger.

Anti-aging skincare routines, exercise, fashion tips.

12. How to get rid of acne.

For teenagers, for pregnant women, for people with medical conditions.

13. How to alleviate anxiety/depression.

Medical route, therapy, confronting trauma.

14. How to get rid of pain.

Arthritis, back pain, tooth pain. How to help a dog with arthritic pain.

15. How to negotiate.

Employees with bosses, business owners with suppliers, parents with kids.

16. Travel/vacation ideas.

Backpacking, luxury vacations, European travel, US travel. Traveling alone, traveling with small children.

17. How and where to go hiking.

For beginners, for families, for backcountry enthusiasts.

18. Water safety for families.

Boating, home pool safety, ocean swimming.

19. How to have a happy, health pregnancy.

First-time pregnancy, rainbow baby pregnancy, healthy eating.

20. How to raise a special needs child.

Developmental delay, autism, deafness, behavioral issues.

21. How to adopt a baby from overseas.

China adoptions, first-time adoptions, home checks.

22. How to train a puppy.

Housetraining, socialization, obedience training, agility training.

23. How to train horses.

Break untrained horses, train for racing, train riding horse to be gentle with kids.

24. How to enjoy RV’ing.

Full time, part time. US, UK. Luxury, boondocking. Beginners: choosing an RV, where to go, how to take care of everyday stuff (getting mail), doing it all on a budget.

25. How to become a homesteader.

Raise and can food, raise animals, etc.

26. How to make your own alcohol.

Make wine at home, make beer at home, grow your own hops.

27. How to make jewelry.

For fun, to sell on Etsy, necklaces, memorial jewelry.

28. How to appraise/collect antiques/collectibles.

WWII collectibles, depression glass, maps, artwork.

29. How to become an artist.

Drawing, painting, crafts.

30. How to play a musical instrument.

Guitar, piano, violin, harmonica.

31. How to improve your home security.

Home security systems, identifying threats, training dogs.

32. Self-defense tips and strategies.

Martial arts, self-defense for women, situational awareness.

33. How to plan a wedding.

Wedding themes, stress-free planning, DIY or hiring a planner.

34. How to plan a dinner party.

How to plan themes, cooking tips.

35. How to become a vegetarian or vegan.

Vegetarianism for weight loss, vegan for environmental/cruelty-free reasons, vegetarianism for general health.

36. How to write a novel.

Romance, thriller, crime. Get published or self-publish.

37. How to do DIY home remodeling and repair.

Kitchen remodeling, bathroom remodel, backyard landscaping.

38. How to plant a garden.

Hydroponic, organic, vegetable, flower.

39. How to take care of fish.

Saltwater tank, freshwater tank, koi pond.

40. How to land your dream job.

Resume writing, career building, interviewing skills.

41. How to become a better photographer.

For fun, on vacation, to make money (selling photos), wildlife photography, action photography.

42. How to restore a classic car.

Exterior, interior, pre-1950s, sportscars, ragtops.

43. How to build a log cabin.

DIY, planning, exterior, interior, finishing.

44. How to prepare for a disaster.

Hurricane, fire, war.

45. How to reduce stress.

Meditation, yoga, spirituality/religion.

46. How to preserve or improve your memory.

For dementia patients, for TBI victims, for students, for employees.

47. How to perform magic tricks.

Street magic, stage magic, magic for kids.

48. How to program/code software.

Create apps, become a freelance coder, usability.

49. How to be fashionable (clothes, makeup, etc.).

Makeup tutorials, current styles, clothes for certain occasions (e.g., looking professional and fashionable at work).

50. How to do your part to save the planet (environmentalism).

Tips for saving fuel, home heating and cooling ideas, saving electricity, tips for businesses, recycling.

Take a moment now while it’s all fresh in your mind and brainstorm additional niches based on these topics.

Learn More About:  66 Ways to Analyze and Optimize Your Product Performance

Be sure to thoroughly research any idea before you pursue it.

50 Evergreen Digital Product Topics List – Boost Your Sales

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